The rasdaman technology is available in two variants, as free rasdaman community software and commercially supported rasdaman enterprise. As a decision aid the Feature-Matrix as well as the following criteria may serve:

  • You want to use free-of-cost software, and you are willing to provide your changes and additions back to the community in a "give and take" manner? Community support is just fine for you? Then maybe the rasdaman community version is what you are looking for.
  • One of the following applies to your needs? If just one of these apply, then we recommend the rasdaman enterprise version.

rasdaman enterprise

This version incorporates and extends rasdaman community, offering decisive advantages with respect to features, performance, and maintenance/support:

Highly effective performance optimization

  • Automatic query reformulation - finds the fastest variant of the query submitted
  • Just-in-time compilation of query fragments - achieves practically the speed of a hand-coded server
  • Just-in-time compilation of queries directly into machine code
  • Tile caching for ultra-fast access to frequently requested data
  • Realtime data compression for minimizing storage space and network transfer times

Both simple and complex queries are boosted significantly, often by several orders of magnitude, as has been proven in scientific performance evaluations.

Unlimited scalability

  • Parallel server cluster with automatic query distribution
  • Unlimited data volumes through transparent nearline tape archive integration

Connectors for further database systems and file-based storage option

Web-based server administration


For operational services maintenance is a must. The rasdaman enterprise maintenance package encompasses timely patches, updates, upgrades, and the support described be low.


Our competent support team is recruited from the rasdaman developers. This ensures you the best possible expertise.

Bottom Line...

All in all, rasdaman enterprise comprises the most comprehensive datacube / raster server available in the market, with highest flexibility, performance and scalability, clients, and standards support.