rasdaman newsletter 04/2023

NASA and Constructor University Plan IEEE GRSS Service

At this year's IGARSS conference in Athens, NASA and Constructor University met for a technical progress meeting on the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) next-generation EO infrastructure. This GRSS initiative is building a service for the archival, curation, and sharing of open data and computational resources. The university contributes the datacube component, EO-Cube, based on the rasdaman datacube engine.

IEEE GRSS has architected the EO service initiative as "for the membership, by the membership". The task responds to the growing need for infrastructure support within the GRSS community, including Technical Committees, Chapters, Global Activities, and Industry. Further, it is a response to GRSS strategic direction SD1, EO Data and Compute Resources for Technical Development.

NASA contributes its VEDA technology under development with catalog, coding environments, etc. whereas Constructor University takes over the datacube analytics component, EO-Cube, using its proven rasdaman engine. First datacubes have been established by the Arctic Pilot, further datacubes are linked in via the EarthServer federation.

IGARSS is the annual flagship conference of GRSS, in 2024 held in Athens, Greece. NASA and Constructor University used the opportunity to discuss progress, in particular: the seamless integration of both services.

Learn more: http://eo-cube.grss-ieee.org

contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Baumann