rasdaman newsletter 10/2020

Meet Us at ISD 2020

The European Space Agency (ESA) invites the space community to its first-ever online Industry Space Days (ISD) event on 16 – 17 September 2020. The rasdaman experts will be part of the show and participate in the online B2B meetings starting at noon on 16 September, in virtual meeting rooms. Just join by browser, no additional hardware or software is required.

The Industry Space Days (ISD) are organised by ESA to bring together the main European players in the space sector. Their main purpose is to increase the involvement of SMEs in space activities and to foster cross-fertilisation between the different actors in the entire space sector.

Meet the rasdaman team during the virtual B2B meetings and learn more about spatio-temporal analysis on Big Earth and Space Datacubes and the new European Datacube Federation. The EarthServer initiative aims at establishing an open Earth data service leveraging the advantages of datacubes. The resulting service will offer a critical mass and variety of data by federating DIASs, CODE-DE, and further large-scale data archives in a seamless manner. It is more user-friendly, provably convenient for experts and non-experts alike, from extraction to analytics without any programming; seamlessly integrates Copernicus data with INSPIRE data; and provides high security for data customers want to offer.